Tracy Faith Kawa

The Right People in the Right Seats!

Creating organizational culture, communication, & high performing teams.

We create impact through tools and training, including the K-BAT Assessment, Emotional & Social Intelligence Training, and Communication & Customer Service Training.

Become a K-BAT Certified Career & Business Coach!

Call us : 561-239-0322 or fill out our online booking & inquiry form and we’ll contact you

Meet our K-BAT certified partners:

Paul Kirch, Founder: Boss Academy

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Charley Timmins, PMA Clarity

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Jason Hodge - bSolutions

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Cicely Simpson, Leadership Expert  

Cicely is a keynote speaker, and best-selling author of the book Pull Up Your Chair: 5 Strategies to Change the Trajectory of Your Career, 2x entrepreneur, and Creator of Pull Up Your C.H.A.I.R. Leadership, a unique leadership
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Jason Davis

Jericho Force Enterprises

Tony Calabrese

Tony Calabrese

Absolute Transitions

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Steffany Lee


Faith, Hope, & Options: 
A Mid-Career Transitioner's Bible

Have you ever given yourself permission to be in a career exploration? As a mid-career professional, you may never have had this opportunity.  In my book Faith, Hope, & Options, I share 10 years of insight gained through working with career transitioners at all levels, including business owners, C-suite, middle managers, and team members. 

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The Seven Pillars of Reinvention: 
Finding Your Passion & Purpose

What if you could wake up every day feeling energized and enthusiastic about going to work? What would it feel like to have laser-focused passion in your professional life? 

Faith, Hope, & Options: A Mid-Career Transitioner's Bible

With a little self-love, Godly guidance, and a good assessment to help you peer into your blind spot, you'll know how to re-align yourself, your values, and your team when all heck breaks loose... while still making the best decisions that you can, for yourself, your family and your future!